My weekend Shenanigans were spent in the one and only Memphis, Tennessee. Although this past week has been filled with travels for me (Thank God, I was about ready to jump off the building of my job), Memphis was by far my favorite.
We ate at the famous Rendezvous where I encountered what I believed to be a hired date. A young girl, no older than 22, was at a table filled will old nasty men. Considering I have amazing eves dropping skills I listened to their conversation to ensure one of them was not her father. Due to the nature of the conversation, I can promise you he was definitely NOT her father. IF so, he should be put in jail but I digress. The food at Rendezvous was phenomenal The most southern of foods, RIBS. and delicious they were.
We left and walked over to the Peabody hotel for the march of the ducks. Strange to think a 5 star hotel would let ducks walk into their lobby and splash around in their fountain, but they did and it has been a tourist hit for over 50 years. The cute little ducks waddle in at 11am and waddle out at 5pm every day. Like clockwork.
We then headed to Beale Street with which i have no better words to describe it besides FUN.
All in all my weekend was a success...